So I've got one more week left of my break before I have to get back to school and do the art grind again, I don't know how much I'm looking forward to it. Maybe four weeks off was too much, I'm used to staying up until 5 30 in the morning and waking up as the sun begins to set. What the fuck am I doing with my life? lol!
Lots of things in the coming days. My friend Danny (Glow Worm) and I are almost done a split with a bunch of pop songs on them, antithetical to the one I did with De Rol Le' which was largely ambient. Speaking of which, the new cassette tape project I've been more or less slaving over will be done in a day or two as well. If anyone wants a copy just let me know and I'd be glad to send you a copy. There will of course be a digital download as well but who the fuck wants to do that boring shit? That's right, no one.
Here's some graphic work I did at my cottage over New Years for the physical cassette tapes:

A photo I found at the photo lab I worked at last year.

Psyche reviving Cupid.

My friend Tiana from the band Hot White.
Also, here's a strange picture I found on one of those random websites you get redirected to when you misspell a popular website by like one character. I thought it was kind of noteworthy and sad and artificial:

Also, my reel-to-reel came in the mail a couple days before Christmas. It's amazing. And heavy. And smells good. I love it. Expect future songs with heavy tape warmth and warble and overall audio sexiness.

I'll post another micromix in a few days. I'm thinking of not doing them monthly anymore, as I'm running out of ideas for songs to add to them that aren't repeats and aren't boring and no one's really been downloading them at all lately. Fuckers. I think I'm just gonna do them whenever the inspiration hits me and do more specific themes or something. I don't know, the whole monthly thing is meh.
Anyways, keep your ears and eyes peeled, and have a great week and ignore my scattered and fragmented blogging style. I've been cooped up in my apartment too long. Hafiasdhkfadsfasdfasdfsadf/////sdgdf
Oh Warren how I enjoy your blog and its sporadic bursts of creative energy. Blogging everyday is too much.
And if it wasn't a single audio file I would so download your monthly mix, it's just hard to break up and listen to and 45 minute mp3 file aha.
And if all your tapes haven't been swiped up yet, I'd love to get ahold of one when it's finished!
Happy new year, Warren :)<3
How much for a tape?
Hey Marc, thanks for the sweet comment, I really appreciate it. I'm thinking of putting the mixes into a zip file with individual tracks. I was kinda going for the whole single track DJ aesthetic but I can see how it kinda sucks listening to one big track. I've tried burning them to CDs before and it's just frustrating.
And, none of the tapes have been swiped up yet, I haven't even technically finished recording it on account of me being a lazy whore. I'll be sure to get one to you next time I see you or just mail you one.
Dylan, how's it going?! I'm gonna be selling them for about 5 bucks a pop, I'm crossing my fingers to have them done by the end of this week, I'll make a post and let you know. Take care dudes.
love that reel-to-reel...mega-hott
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